Category: Networking

Number Title Author(s)
8 devp2p Forward Compatibility Requirements for Homestead
627 Whisper Specification
706 DEVp2p snappy compression
778 Ethereum Node Records (ENR)
868 Node Discovery v4 ENR Extension
1459 Node Discovery via DNS
2124 Fork identifier for chain compatibility checks
2364 "eth/64: forkid-extended protocol handshake"
2464 "eth/65: transaction announcements and retrievals"
2481 eth/66 request identifier
2976 Typed Transactions over Gossip
4444 Bound Historical Data in Execution Clients
4938 "eth/67 - Removal of GetNodeData"
5793 eth/68 - Add tx type to tx announcement
6122 Forkid checks based on timestamps
7542 eth/69 - available-blocks-extended protocol